Sunday, January 11, 2009

The boys had to make time to do a little sledding in our back yard.  Josh's mom Lynn got them all a snow tube for Christmas so they had to test it out.  It worked great!!!
After Christmas Josh's brother Davin came to help us demo our kitchen.  We can't wait to start the year with a new kitchen!
We went to the Campaigne's for Christmas afternoon and Evan had a great time playing hide and seek with his Aunt Lena.  
We spent Christmas morning with just the 3 of us in our new home and it was wonderful.  Evan had a gift under the tree from Santa and it was a hit (whew!).  It is a little car that he can ride, push and it plays circus music. 
We had a great Christmas Eve at the Josh's parents house in Chatham, NY.
Evan has so much fun pulling the wrapping paper off his many presents.  One of his favorite presents was a little boy doll from his Grandma that talks and laughs.  
Evan and I have been taking advantage of all the snow we have been getting and finding lots of time to get out and play in it.  We are learning about snowflakes, snowballs and most importantly sledding!
After seeing all the great blogs our friends and family were putting together we decided that is was time we try it out ourselves.  Here are just a few of our favorite memories we would like to share with you!